Fire Extinguisher Services in Hamilton

You count on functional fire extinguishers to keep your building protected. For example, a fast-acting employee can prevent a small fire from escalating. But, of course, you can only trust your fire extinguishers to work when you need them if you install the suitable types and have them serviced regularly.

That is where Spectrum Fire comes in. Our fire extinguisher services are second to none throughout the Waikato. We have experience with all makes and types of portable fire extinguishers.

Fire Extinguisher Replacement in Hamilton

Whether building, renovating or reassessing your current fire extinguisher needs, let Spectrum Fire help you make the right choice for your business. We can assist with selecting the appropriate type, size, and number of fire extinguishers you need to protect your building sufficiently. We offer a wide range of extinguisher types, including carbon dioxide, dry chemical, foamwet chemical and water.

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Fire Extinguisher Inspection in Hamilton

The New Zealand Standards require routine inspections of all portable fire extinguishers. While you can perform monthly checks yourself, the standards call for annual professional inspections. We can offer this service for you to keep your building in compliance with our fire extinguisher inspections.

Fire Extinguisher Recharge in Waikato

Imagine you recently used a fire extinguisher to fight a small fire or accidentally discharged it during an inspection. In that case, you need a recharge as fast as possible. However, delaying this service could make your building vulnerable to fire hazards. Even if you only used a single puff of extinguishing agent, the extinguisher may leak and should be recharged immediately. Spectrum Fire can recharge your portable fire extinguishers and quickly put them back in service.

Fire Extinguisher Maintenance & Reconditioning in Hamilton

Annual fire extinguisher inspections include comprehensive maintenance, which involves checking the cylinder and mechanical parts, the extinguishing agent, and pressure levels. Typically, no significant problems turn up during fire extinguisher inspections. However, if tampering or physical damage is discovered, you must act. A faulty fire extinguisher does not always need to be replaced. You might be able to refurbish it with help from Spectrum Fire Protection.

Hamilton Fire Extinguisher Hydrostatic Testing

One of our specialities is hydrostatic testing of portable fire extinguishers.

This involves filling the cylinder with water and pressurising it to a designated pressure to test the structural integrity. If the cylinder passes the test, it is recharged and put back in service until the next hydro test is due.

Contact Spectrum Fire for Fire Extinguisher Services in Hamilton

The team at Spectrum Fire have proven our knowledge to help customers with our high-quality fire extinguisher services for businesses. Our number one focus is to keep you and your building safe from fire risks and confirm that your property meets relevant fire safety standards.

FAQs: Fire Extinguisher Installation, Replacement & Maintenance

Fire protection demands a strategic approach. The entire strategy revolves around the choice of extinguisher and its location.

Why Are There So Many Types of Fire Extinguishers?

There are different classes of fire. So each extinguisher is designed to suit the unique traits of its class. If your business is at risk from several classes of fire, colour-coded extinguishers will keep your fire safe. For example, today’s flammable synthetics burn faster and spread faster than past ones. That requires just the suitable extinguisher for your building.

  • Carbon dioxide extinguishers are ideal for businesses that can’t afford to lose stock. They are a corrosion-free option that contains no agent to clean up.
  • Dry chemical extinguishers work best with electrical and chemical fires. They’re a multipurpose product ideal for most businesses.
  • Wet chemical extinguishers are made for cooking oil and fat fires.

What Fire Extinguisher Services Do You Need to Perform Every Year?

Even a tiny accidental discharge can render your extinguishers useless, so every usage demands extra care. To comply with New Zealand Standards, businesses must perform annual fire extinguisher inspections. In addition, New Zealand Standards mandate a five-year hydrostatic pressure testing on all extinguishers.

What Is Involved in Fire Extinguisher Maintenance and Reconditioning?

Inspections must regularly assess all mechanical parts, expulsion hardware, and extinguishing agents. In addition, bent pins and broken tamper seals can make your hardware malfunction, so every piece counts.

Hydrostatic Testing

Hydrostatic pressure testing assesses the structural integrity of your extinguishers from the inside. The extinguisher is filled with water and pressurised to determine if its cylinder suffers from deformation. Fire extinguishers should undergo hydrostatic testing every five years.