Fire Alarm Testing & Inspections
Many people may not consider fire alarm testing as a priority as they scramble to control a growing enterprise or run through their daily routine. However, taking the required steps to ensure that your fire alarm system is tested and complies with the New Zealand Standards requirements can save your life. Not only will it help keep you in business, but it will protect you, your tenants, and your employees.
Why is Fire Alarm Testing Important?
Fire alarm systems help to keep you and everyone around you safe. It also works to instantly alert first responders in the event of a fire, either in your home or place of business. However, they require testing to ensure that your fire alarms continue to work flawlessly.
Fire alarm testing determines whether or not your fire alarms are working as they should. If there is a fault, faulty components can be swapped out. Regular service also ensures that your fire alarms align with the requirements of your BWoF and possibly your insurance provider. If anything, it could help you save money on premiums and make submitting a claim easier in the event of a fire.
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Fire Alarm Test
Faulty, outdated, or ineffective fire systems and equipment can lead to a fire that will hastily spread through the entire premises, impacting your assets and putting lives at risk.
Spectrum Fire Protection provides a specialist approach to your fire alarm needs, intending to make property fire alarm protection and compliance quicker, easier and better value for your money.
Our qualified fire alarm service technicians can provide unparalleled fire alarm services in the areas of compliance, inspection, service and routine maintenance across all areas of fire alarms and fire protection, including checking all components like horns, flow switches, heat detectors, smoke detectors, and call points. Also, other specified systems that tie into the system can be tested.

How Often Should Fire Alarms Be Tested NZ?
Monthly fire alarm inspections are essential to maintaining a safe, compliant facility. Every year an annual survey is also required on your alarms. Our fire safety technicians must test fire alarm control panels, initiating devices and ensure alarm communication equipment is in working order.
Fire Alarm Inspections
Even though testing will ensure that the buildings fire alarms are fully functional, an inspection can help determine if something prevents the alarms from working as they should.
It is important to note that preventative maintenance on fire protection equipment can’t proceed without an expert first inspecting it. If the system is less than five years old and has a problem, then that alludes to an issue with the installation.
An expert inspection can help to reveal the underlying reasons for numerous issues that can be fixed before it is too late. For example, some common causes of fire alarm failure include voltage issues, changes in temperature, humidity, and corrosion.

Early Detection of Smoke and Fire
Fire alarm inspections also help prevent smoke inhalation, which represents a much more significant risk than the fire itself, making it a major cause for concern for home, building and business owners. Statics show that more people lose their lives to smoke inhalation than the fire itself. In addition, thick smoke in a confined area can quickly render a person unconscious, which makes them unable to reach the fire exit.
Fire alarm systems aim to work as an early detection and warning system in the event of a fire. It gives people a fighting chance by allowing them enough time to reach a fire exit. It also sounds the alarm for first responders so they can arrive in time to contain the fire. Controlling the fire in time can help prevent the loss of life, property, and reputation. All of which makes it essential to get professional fire alarm testing and inspections.