Carbon Dioxide Fire Extinguishers
Carbon Dioxide extinguishers are the perfect choice for Class E fires involving electrical equipment. CO2 is a non-conductive & non-corrosive gas, because of this, it is the perfect solution for protecting computer & electrical equipment in the event of a fire. Carbon dioxide fire extinguishers can also be used on some Class B fires involving flammable liquids, such as petrol and paint.

How to Identify A Carbon Dioxide Fire Extinguisher?
Carbon Dioxide Fire Extinguishers are red cylinders with a black band running all around the top. They also have a different hose to other extinguishers ending with a horn.
Where To Use A CO2 Fire Extinguisher
Due to the extinguishing agent not causing any damage to electrical equipment, it is the perfect extinguisher for areas such as
- Electrical Switchrooms
- Server rooms
- Electrical appliance showrooms
- Offices
Carbon Dioxide fire extinguishers shouldn’t be placed in locations exposed to direct sunlight or radiated heat. They contain a pressure relief disk that bursts at temperatures exceeding 50 Degrees Celsius.
How Does A Carbon Dioxide Fire Extinguisher Work?
The CO2 Extinguisher contains carbon dioxide in a liquid form, and when the extinguisher is used the liquid is released into the air, turning into a gas and offsetting the oxygen that the fire is feeding on. It also has a cooling effect, removing some of the heat.
CO2 Extinguisher Sizes

The most common Carbon Dioxide Fire Extinguisher sizes found in New Zealand are
- 2.0kg – Small size area to cover
- 3.5kg – Medium size area to cover
- 5.0kg – Large size area to cover
Advantages Of Carbon Dioxide Extinguishers
Being non-toxic and leaving no residue CO2 will not harm food, fabrics, machinery or electrical equipment. Carbon Dioxide is a non-conducting agent, so can be used on live electrical equipment. Holds its charge once used. However, you should have it recharged ASAP. Fairly cheap to have recharged.
Disadvantages Of Carbon Dioxide Extinguishers
There is a risk of ice burn to your hands as the temperature of an extinguisher horn drops rapidly and freezes over. As CO2 works by displacing the oxygen around the fire, it is not suitable for outdoor use, or in environments exposed to windy conditions. CO2 is a high pressured extinguisher. Using it on class A fires or class F fires could cause the fire to spread. Users should use caution with how much CO2 is being discharged in small, confined areas.
How Often Does A CO2 Extinguisher Need To Be Tested?
CO2 Fire extinguishers must be tested every 12 months by a professional, per NZS 4503:2005. Extinguishers need to be inspected at least once every six months in environments deemed’ hostile’. A hostile environment could mean that your work type has more associated fire hazards than usual. Every Five years, fire extinguishers require a hydrostatic pressure test to make sure your device is operating effectively and recharged when an extinguisher is discharged.
How To Use A Carbon Dioxide Fire Extinguisher
Like all other fire extinguishers, you need to remember the PASS-word. Pull the pin Aim at the base of the fire. Squeeze the handle. Sweep from side to side.